People are Not Presents

Dear Lord,

This thought keeps rolling around in my head.

People aren’t presents!

People should not purchase people. People are not gifts to be given or purchased.  I have watched far to many transactions of people.

You Lord are the only one who can give a person as a gift. Your word says that children are a gift from God.  It also says that prudent wives are a gift from you Lord.

Lord, I pray for all of the women, children and men who are being sold.  I pray today for the victims of sex trafficking especially Lord.  Your word says that everything that is in darkness will be brought into the light.  I pray Lord today that you will shine on the people who are walking in darkness.  I pray they will see a great light.  I pray they will see Jesus.

Thwart the plans of the wicked and rescue the destitute.  I’m calling on you oh God, give ear to my prayer.  The wicked have no fear of you in their hearts.  As I am praying this right now someone is being sold for sex.  People are purchasing women for a ten minute lap dance.

Satan is ripping families apart. Your word says the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came so we could have abundant life.  I am grabbing ahold of your righteous right hand and asking you in the name of Jesus to set the captives free.

Convict the wayward.  Show the people what their maker has to say.